Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Leaves of Fall

Oh, the joy and excitement when we open bundles!  Some are quiet, some are anxious while others think waiting a few weeks until opening is a good idea.  Then I open mine first, suddenly there is a flurry of activity to gather around for first glimpse.  There are gasp and oooohs and ahhhhs.  Suddenly there is a fever traveling around the table.  One squeal, two squeals, another gasp.  These are the sounds and conversation heard around the table.  A fun afternoon was had by all.

Here if Florida we have many plants, but there are a few that give up such lovely prints.

And of course there is always the strong power of eucalyptus.  Such lovely works by wonderful students.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Summer is past

Wow, the summer has passed quite quickly.  I have not posted here during the summer months, simply too curious.  Yes I have been curious on many fronts.  I am always amazed how one idea or source of curiosity can lead down different paths.

One of my curiosities was with Eco print.  Living here in Florida we have many plants to sample but I chose to stick with my favorite trees and plants.  Most of my sources are within a quick bike ride of less than a mile radius.  I toyed with different combinations of iron water and  iron vinegar solutions.  Each with different concentrations and dilutions.  Some were successes while others were simply failures.  I have used a wide variety of fabrics and continue to play with materials.

I have also been stitching of felt.  I love to make felt and I love to sew.  I can use a machine quite well to make stitches but also hand stitching adds depth to felt.  How can there be so many ideas to explore and so little time to do them all?  I know that is the lament of many textile and fiber artist.

So what about my E Books for making seamless felt garments?  I plan a third installation but will be video based and go through how to design with a custom template.  The  video will not revisit how to make the template and subsequent pattern.  But the third installation will be high emphasis on garment design, how to create those designs to fit you, and inspire.

Discussion will include:
1) directional wool layouts and its effect on design
2) how to create breast circles in garment design for better fit
3) how to add different sleeve and collar types to the basic template
4) how to draft a personal design that is well suited for your body type

The first two eBooks can be purchased at

As fall arrives I will be teaching felting and eco print classes.  I will be also doing more and more stitching on felt.

Cheers to a wonderful fall!