Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Leaves of Fall

Oh, the joy and excitement when we open bundles!  Some are quiet, some are anxious while others think waiting a few weeks until opening is a good idea.  Then I open mine first, suddenly there is a flurry of activity to gather around for first glimpse.  There are gasp and oooohs and ahhhhs.  Suddenly there is a fever traveling around the table.  One squeal, two squeals, another gasp.  These are the sounds and conversation heard around the table.  A fun afternoon was had by all.

Here if Florida we have many plants, but there are a few that give up such lovely prints.

And of course there is always the strong power of eucalyptus.  Such lovely works by wonderful students.


  1. Wonderful prints, Kathy and I know the students had a great time.

  2. Hi Kathy,
    I am a huge fan! Your so talented!!
    I have a question.... you mention in one of you blog posts that you have used 3mm Silk Habotai. Where can I find this? Alls I have been able to find is 5mm. Thank you
