Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's Fall in Florida

There is something about Fall in Florida that makes you feel alive.  Could it be the temperature is 63 degrees at night and 75 during the day?  Or is it the Gulf breeze that is actually cool instead of hot air.  It is delightful and a great time to get outdoors.

I have been doing some dyeing now that the weather has cooled.  I need small batches of color to inlay into some works.  I also have been Eco printing. This fun activity is getting crazy at times.  A week or so ago I found a different species of Euc in a yard.  I really wanted some of that tree.  I took my business card to the door and offered to trim his tree.  Luckily for me he said 'help yourself''  So I took my nippers and pruned away.  I am so very lucky that all my print materials are less than a mile radius from my house!

I also have been working with some raw fleece.  I am plucking locks from a few fleeces to be used in some garments and accessories.  This is a tedious job, but I don't mind that I can sit at the work table, look out at the lake and enjoy the fresh Fall air.

Even Barney is enjoying the cool breeze, the warm sun and fresh air.


  1. What a so pretty fall and nice view. No wonder you're creative. Wish I could be there.

  2. I went to St. Pete General to visit my sister, and on the way I saw so many Eucalyptus trees along I-275. I was stunned to find so many. They must do well in Pinellas County. I have to figure a way to get to them!
