Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanking You and Holiday Sale

I want to take a moment and thank the many many folks who have purchased my eBooks this past year.  It was a long process in writing them, but I can be proud of this accomplishment.  I wanted to share my knowledge of garment making and feltmaking to help others create a felt garment that would fit once they completed their work.  There are no real patterns for felt garments, just generic shapes.  Everyone felts a bit differently, everyone uses different fibers and different fabrics.  These factors all effect the final fit.

The holidays are approaching and the shopping season is underway.  The Saturday after Thanksgiving small business shopping day.  It is a day in which you can support your local and online small businesses.  With that concept in mind, I am putting my two eBooks (Seamless Felt Garment 1 -2) on sale for 10% off when you purchase both.

Here is a description of the eBooks:

Make your own seamless felted garment patterns!  In these two eBooks you will learn the process for creating seamless felt clothing.  No more guess work. No more ill fitting garments.  No more wasted materials. 

The intermediate feltmaker will find each eBook contains more than 50 pages of text, graphics and photos. The instructions are clear, step by step and will guide you through the process. These eBooks are like a personal workshop experience while sitting at your work table!  Work at your own pace and in the comfort of your own studio.  No need to travel to workshop locations.  

Make garments for yourself, friends, family or clients that will fit properly.  Worksheets are included to record and perform correct calculations.

Here is the Table of Contents from eBook 1 - Template Pattern and Resist.
PictureTable of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction__________________________ 7
Chapter 2 Materials____________________________ 9
Chapter 3 Sample Making ______________________ 10
Chapter 4 Shrinkage __________________________ 14
Chapter 5 How to take Measurements _____________19
Chapter 6 Determining Ease_____________________33
Chapter 7 Making the Template__________________ 35
Chapter 8 Making the Pattern and Resist for A-Line Top or Dress  46
Chapter 9 Conclusion__________________________ 52
About the Author______________________________ 53
Appendix____________________________________ 54

Here is the Table of Contents of eBook2  Making the Garment
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction_________________________________4
Chapter 2 Making the Garment using Standard Layout_______ 5
Chapter 3 The Reverse Layout _________________________ 21
Chapter 4 Making the Vest_____________________________ 34 

Chapter 5 Finishing the Felt Garment_____________________46
Chapter 6 Additional Garments__________________________47
Chapter 7 Conclusion_________________________________58

You will find clear images that show detail of applying wool and fabrics, a thorough explanation of how to take measurements, a sound explanation of shrinkage and its effects on your garment, and worksheets to help with calculations.  

If you would like to purchase my eBooks at the reduced rate, please visit my site at    I will keep the 10% discount until Nov 30.  So give yourself a gift this holiday season!  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's Fall in Florida

There is something about Fall in Florida that makes you feel alive.  Could it be the temperature is 63 degrees at night and 75 during the day?  Or is it the Gulf breeze that is actually cool instead of hot air.  It is delightful and a great time to get outdoors.

I have been doing some dyeing now that the weather has cooled.  I need small batches of color to inlay into some works.  I also have been Eco printing. This fun activity is getting crazy at times.  A week or so ago I found a different species of Euc in a yard.  I really wanted some of that tree.  I took my business card to the door and offered to trim his tree.  Luckily for me he said 'help yourself''  So I took my nippers and pruned away.  I am so very lucky that all my print materials are less than a mile radius from my house!

I also have been working with some raw fleece.  I am plucking locks from a few fleeces to be used in some garments and accessories.  This is a tedious job, but I don't mind that I can sit at the work table, look out at the lake and enjoy the fresh Fall air.

Even Barney is enjoying the cool breeze, the warm sun and fresh air.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Eco print scarves

Last week I printed several scarves using Eco print technique.  It is so much fun, results are always a surprise!  

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The rewards of teaching


The rewards of teaching, at least for me is not found in the explanation or contribution to a students arsenal of techniques. Or the joy of watching them open their bundles.  The real joy for me is to see what the students go on to create and how they feel a month after their workshop.

In Sept I taught a basic Eco print workshop.  The students were thrilled and excited with their new found knowledge.  This past week I was able to meet with those who participated to see their samples once dried and pressed.  I was able to speak with them about how they enjoyed learning.  Each an everyone returned for a brief meeting and they were ready to do more.

One student, Arlene printed the following pieces after the workshop.  I love what she created.

I too have done some printing as well.  Below is a raw silk shirt that was printed a few days ago.  I do love wearing this shirt!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Leaves of Fall

Oh, the joy and excitement when we open bundles!  Some are quiet, some are anxious while others think waiting a few weeks until opening is a good idea.  Then I open mine first, suddenly there is a flurry of activity to gather around for first glimpse.  There are gasp and oooohs and ahhhhs.  Suddenly there is a fever traveling around the table.  One squeal, two squeals, another gasp.  These are the sounds and conversation heard around the table.  A fun afternoon was had by all.

Here if Florida we have many plants, but there are a few that give up such lovely prints.

And of course there is always the strong power of eucalyptus.  Such lovely works by wonderful students.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Summer is past

Wow, the summer has passed quite quickly.  I have not posted here during the summer months, simply too curious.  Yes I have been curious on many fronts.  I am always amazed how one idea or source of curiosity can lead down different paths.

One of my curiosities was with Eco print.  Living here in Florida we have many plants to sample but I chose to stick with my favorite trees and plants.  Most of my sources are within a quick bike ride of less than a mile radius.  I toyed with different combinations of iron water and  iron vinegar solutions.  Each with different concentrations and dilutions.  Some were successes while others were simply failures.  I have used a wide variety of fabrics and continue to play with materials.

I have also been stitching of felt.  I love to make felt and I love to sew.  I can use a machine quite well to make stitches but also hand stitching adds depth to felt.  How can there be so many ideas to explore and so little time to do them all?  I know that is the lament of many textile and fiber artist.

So what about my E Books for making seamless felt garments?  I plan a third installation but will be video based and go through how to design with a custom template.  The  video will not revisit how to make the template and subsequent pattern.  But the third installation will be high emphasis on garment design, how to create those designs to fit you, and inspire.

Discussion will include:
1) directional wool layouts and its effect on design
2) how to create breast circles in garment design for better fit
3) how to add different sleeve and collar types to the basic template
4) how to draft a personal design that is well suited for your body type

The first two eBooks can be purchased at

As fall arrives I will be teaching felting and eco print classes.  I will be also doing more and more stitching on felt.

Cheers to a wonderful fall!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Eco prints and Lagen look

The past two weeks I have spent some time eco printing on cotton and linen.  The process is different than silk and wool.  I wanted to challenge myself because I was going to attend a a three day workshop called "Cut Up Your Closet" by Kim Sherrod aka Calamity Kim.    In the workshop we were to purchase thrift store clothing and cut them up into a dress.  Well .... if anyone knows me, I don't seem to follow directions very well.  I want to do my own thing.  I wanted to print my fabric and use my fabrics.  I did purchase a lot of thrift store garments and printed on them so I was not too far off the class plan!   Fortunately, Kim is a great mentor to spark creativity and she had no problem with me taking the workshop and doing my own thing!  Kim loved the eco prints and was awaiting the product.

I decided to make a Lagenlook top and a skirt before the class began. I was unsure that a gored skirt would fit with the loose top style, but I think it worked.  The natural prints with that styling seemed quite appropriate.  I had no pattern, but I am pretty good at drafting and fitting. After all it is Langenlook and not meant to fit but to drape.   I had a lovely assortment of fabrics in which I could chose from.  It was just a matter of putting them all together.

I liked the idea of two pieces.  They can be worn together or they can be worn as separates.  I have other eco print scarves and wraps in which to mix and match.  For the top I wanted to keep everything linen and cotton but needed to add a few more pieces to complete the design which ended up being silk.

Here are some close up shots of the patterns.  Note that I used a sleeve in a panel to hang of the back of the skirt.  The front skirt closure is the button front placket of a shirt.

I was able to print designs such as dots and lines with the plant materials and I liked that control.

Above is a close up of an eco printed lace inset that I used around the hemline.

I am very pleased with my skirt and top.  They are summer weight and will be fun to wear.

Happy Memorial Day to all.  I do have my eBooks on sale this holiday weekend through Monday.  They are $5 off for both books.  Do stop by and take a look.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bundles and Bundles and Bundles

This coming weekend I will attend a workshop called "Cut Up Your Closet" by Kim Sherrod.  aka Calamity Kim.  The focus of the workshop is to use thrift store clothing, cut them up and make a new dress.  While my taste in fashion has changed since I was 25 years old, but I am up for this wild and crazy challenge  I doubt I ever wear this creation, but it is the creative exercise I find rewarding.  I am all about process and not product.

To put me up for this challenge weekend I decided this would be a perfect time to cut up some old eco printed items plus add to the stash.  I have spent the past few days making bundles for eco print.

The above pictures will work nicely together, but I have some other prints and shades of color that are seen below.  

I was able to achieve color on a shirt and that might be interesting to use.

Below you will see pieces of lace that have been eco printed and dyed.  As you can see, I have many items to choose from.

Here is the challenge though: (and one I look forward) how will all the prints come together?  Yes they are from nature and have a similar tones, but will they look nice together?  Right now there are many pieces to a puzzle that need to fit in some fashionable way.

I have eco dyed extra fabrics and I have more prints waiting to be unveiled.  This is quite the mystery. This will be quite the challenge.  I will post my progress and my results next week!

On another note, the ebook sales are steady.  I know I will write more design information later in the year, but right now I am eco printing and dyeing while the temperatures are tolerable and an abundance of foliage in which to gather.  Designs using felt is something that is at play in the back of my mind at all times.  If you are interested in purchasing my Ebooks please see my website at

And some final words of the day.  I lost my special little dog this morning.  This was quite abrupt and a difficult 5 hours.  But dear sweet Bayleigh has crossed the rainbow bridge to join all those other well loved pets.  She is in good company.  And to keep my sorrow from lingering I plan to jump in to the "Cut Up Your Closet Workshop" with full creative engagement.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Digging in

The weeks seem to fly by, but then again it is Spring.  It is a time to get out and get it done.  I can't say that I really like a lot of yard work but I can do it before the weather gets too warm here in Florida.  I have committed myself to making a new planted garden area.  The irrigation system has never worked well in this area and seems to be a tangled mess.  The only way to correct is all is to dig it up and start fresh.

As I was digging I noticed a view of our lake.  It occurred to me that maybe this space might be better suited for a hot tub.  After all a view of the lake from your hot tub???  How about tropical plants around the hot tub???  This project that was to be quite simple is expanding with each shovel of dirt.  I have a few days to think about this project as I await someone to correct the irrigation system issues. It is fun dreaming and scheming!

I have not forgotten my feltmaking and patternmaking thoughts.  Actually as I work in the yard I think things through.  I ponder the 'what if' of garments made with felt.  You see handmade felt is an unusual textile.  It does not always act or react the way of woven yardage.  Seamless garments also have fitting issues as well.  Digging in dirt is a good time to think things through and one can easily forget how difficult the task of shoveling earth.

In March I became reacquainted with some garment and fashion information in a book called "The Body Shape Bible" by Trinny and Susannah.   Many people do not know what silhouette is appropriate for their body.  This book details the many many shapes of the human body and what fashion silhouette creates the most flattering look.  

I will be incorporating more body shape information into the next eBook on seamless felted garments.  I have seen so many felt garments that simply do not flatter a person's body. Huge open collars that flap across most of the person's chest is not flattering to anyone.  A lovely shaped jacket that gaps in the front is not flattering, it speaks poor fit.  We see gorgeous clothing made for the very slender and shapely model, but does that translate to the average person?  How about a wool wrap vest over bare shoulders because the maker did not know how to fit the garment?  I don't know about you, but if I am wearing wool as an outwear item, bare skin makes me shiver!

I will be working on additional and sensible seamless felt garment designs this summer.  They will  be published into another eBook.  I am also contemplating single pattern instruction for a particular design.  For example a pattern drafted off of your template to make a swing jacket, or  a cape with hood.  I have a lot of thoughts on what I will do next, but maybe I need to go dig some dirt!

Don't forget if you are interested in learning how to makes custom seamless sleeveless felted garments, visit my website at  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why make a template?

Would you build a house without engineering drawings? Making a template for a seamless felted garment is very much like the engineered drawings of a house.  Both are the foundation, both will have a personal influence, and both are simple.

Why do felt makers accept their hand felted garments to have a poor fit?  They have great felting skills. They invest an enormous amount of money. They take expensive workshops hoping for the perfect garment. They spend many hours and physical energy making the felt.  They use beautiful fabrics and fiber.  They have great vision for a beautiful finished garment.  Yet in the end the final product does not fit.  It is often too big or very tight, big floppy collars, or does not close in the front.  Why is this acceptable?

This brings me back to template making.  The template is simply a road map of an individuals body.  Every person has unique measurements therefore the resulting template is for that person.  If I am going to use my time, effort and materials to make a felted garment I want it to fit.  I want to show off my feltmaking skills and design ideas with a nicely finished garment.  I want to wear it proudly.  I want those who see this garment as something other than what not to wear!  The custom template is the foundation from which all future design begins.

I wrote the two eBooks called "Seamless Felted Garment" book 1 and 2 simply to help those feltmakers who seek garments that fit!  I have used the principals of flat pattern making and applied them to feltmaking. The time invested is well worth the effort!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Seamless Felted Clothing eBooks are ready for purchase

What a long journey to produce these two eBooks.  What started out to be a quick, simple and easy eBook turned out to be a much bigger task than I could imagined.  I had 22 pages of text and several photos, but that was not enough.  It dawned on me that feltmakers were not necessarily garment makers!  This is why the eBooks became two. The book grew and grew and grew until I had to divide it into two books.

I started with the idea to write an eBook to explain how to make a template, pattern and resist for a felt garment.  I had seem many skilled feltmakers struggle.  They had great surface design ideas and feltmaking skills, but the end product was not the best fitting of garment.  So were very big and baggie, others too long, while others were very tight.  Some placed embellishment over areas that  were less than flattering.

I learned many many years ago how to make custom garments using a flat pattern making method.  I had been making felt for 15 years.  I started applying the knowledge of flat pattern making to felt garment making.  While felt is a different textile than most it has many advantages.  Finished edges are a breeze in hand crafted felt.  Steaming to help shrink and shape a garment is unmatched.

Making seamless and sleeveless garments do present a few technical considerations.  The greatest being shrinkage.  For the most part feltmakers do not know their shrinkage they simply guess.  Changing the surface embellishments, techniques and wool fibers affect shrinkage.

In the two eBooks I detail how to measure a human body and how to translate those into a template.  I discuss shrinkage as related to surface design.  I show (with photography) how to create a seamless garment.  The details are clear and concise.  Included are instructions for nuno felting with silk chiffon or silk paj.  I have included very detailed instructions about how to make the correct calculation and enter into a worksheet.  Between these two eBooks it is like attending a personal workshop in your home studio.

In the end I think I have produced two very detailed books that not only include feltmaking information, I have explained a lot of dressmaking skills.

While the two books are really the basics, many designs can be made.  I do plan to write advance design in the coming months, but I want to take the time and work on some projects for myself.  I will keep you updated with those projects here!